Parenting in Challenging Situations Research Laboratory
Bilha Paryente-PhD
Paryente is an active educational psychologist and a renowned media speaker on the topic, with specific specialty in parents and children. She consults, treats and assists children, parents and teachers coping with lingering stressful events. Her research focuses on the coping processes of parents and children with continuous stressful events inducing lingering trauma or panic attacks. Her research is mainly devoted to understanding the various family multigenerational perspectives regarding complex situations in Israel and beyond; the coping of parents and children with stressful situations. Paryente’s scientific work encompasses the parental influence on intergenerational values transmission and parental coping processes in various challenging contexts. In addition, the child's perspective is also a major issue that I investigate. This regarding social identity, values and experiences from challenging events, such as continuous missile attacks, Pandemic and Children’s Placement to special education or parental divorce. I use mainly Qualitative and Mixed research methods. Given her expertise, during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022), Dr. Paryente instructed and consulted groups of kindergarten teachers, via multiple Zoom meetings. She has also recently led a mission group to Ukraine composed of faculty and students from Achva College, in collaboration with the Jewish Agency and Ministry of Education. In Ukraine, she provided emotional support to Ukraine refugee parents and children within a refugee camp on the Ukraine-Hungary border Since the tragic events of October 7th 2023 Paryente has been accompaning the delegations of the families of kidnapped Israelis as a psychologist on their international campaign to raise public opinion calling for the immediate return of their loved ones. Parynete helped the families to deal with the challenging circumstances they are going through. In Israel, Paryente is a prominent professional in structuring and conducting counseling for parents and children at times of continuous missiles attacks (2012-2021 These activities are via: Lectures, radio and TV interviews, publicist articles, participation in national delegations and scientific papers. Dr Paryente received her Ph.D. in psychology from Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Summa Cum Laude), and was a postdoctoral visiting fellow at The Free University of Berlin.
Special Projects
Media and Comunication
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Period of Study
Name of Institutionand Department
University of Ben Gurion
The Psychology Department
Summa cum Laude
Year of Approval of Degree
University of Ben Gurion
The Psychology Department
MA with Honors
The Bar Ilan University
the Psychology Department
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Free University of Berlin under supervision of
Prof. Ute Schoenpflug
Professional Experience
Educational Psychologist (Expert)
Name of institution
Public Psychology Service
Educational Psychologist (expert)
Public Psychology Service
Laboratory Research Activity
•Adan Kabha - MA Thesis - Parent’s resolution with their child’s diagnosis with special needs and the place of their religious beliefs among Muslims in Israel.
•Maya Berkovitz - MA Thesis- Post Traumatic Growth - The post-traumatic growth of parents living in Kibbutzim bordering Gaza Strip.
•Rima Kabha – MA Thesis - Post Traumatic Growth - Parenting perceptions in Bedouin mothers following traumatic events.
•Dikla Moria Cohen – MA Final Project - Post Traumatic Growth - Emotional interactions between Parents of children with special needs and special education kindergarten teachers.
•Adi Leonard - MA Thesis - Parenting twins - parenting characteristics and social development.
•Hadas Babayev - MA Thesis – Parental hope - The role of parental hope and death anxiety during war.
•Avichai Kaits - MA Final Project – Fatherhood - Identity and parenting in fathers in a religious Jewish settlement society.
•Hadas Shoshan – BA research assistant – Parent-Teacher interaction – Perspectives of kindergarten teachers and mothers regarding the placement process in special education kindergartens.
•Roni Darmon – BA research assistant – Parent-Teacher interaction – Perspectives of kindergarten teachers and mothers regarding the placement process in special education kindergartens.
•Noa Shalev - MA Final Project - Social shunning - The experience of parents to children who went through social shunning.
•Hadar Swissa - MA Final Project – Special families - Parenting siblings of children with ASD.•Dorin Sultan - MA Final Project – Student mothers - Motherhood of college students immediately after the birth.
Articles in Refereed Journals

Paryente, B. (2024). Parental Coping with their Child’s Abandonment of Jewish Orthodox Religious Observance in Israel. Journal of Beliefs & Values

Paryente, B.& Gez-Langerman, R. (2023). Resilience among Kindergarten Children during the Corona Pandemic: “There are those that even die from the Corona and I don’t want to die from Corona”. Zeman Hinuch

Paryente, B & Gatenio-Kalush, M. (2019). The Subjective Experiences and Reactions of Kindergarten Children during and after a Period of Continuous Missile Attacks. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 12 (4), 425-438. (Q2)

Paryente, B. & Orr, E. (2003). Social identity structure: the case of religiously observant Jews in Israel. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 1(3-4), 204-226.
Paryente, B. & Barak-Levy, Y. (2023). How Bedouin and Jewish mothers process their experiences of parenting their children with special needs in Israel. Israeli Affairs.

Paryente, B. (2023). Kindergarten Children’s Reactions to their Parents’ Divorce: “Suddenly it was quiet because they had stopped fighting”.Journal of Divorce and Remarriage

Barak-Levy, Y. & Paryente, B. (2023). The Parental Resolution Process with a Diagnosis of Special Needs in Early Childhood. Researching @ Early Childhood, 18, 51-75 ]Hebrew[.

Paryente, B. & Barak Levy, Y. (2022). ‘A special education kindergarten sounded like a night mare to me’; the placement of children in a special education kindergarten, the parental perspective. Educational Counselor 24, 202-220

Paryente, B. & Orr, E. (2010). Identity representations and intergenerational transmission of values: The case of a religious minority in Israel. Papers on Social Representations, 19, 23.1-23.36.

Paryente, B. & Orr, E. (2006). The Religious-Zionist society in Israel- identities in conflict? In what sense? Megamot, 44(2), 247-276 [Hebrew]. (A)

Paryente, B. (2002). Parent’s Narratives regarding their main values for the next generation. Current Psychology, 4, 106-122.
Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books

Paryente, B. & Flavian, H. (2020). Inclusion of children with special needs as an opportunity to develop better assessment and increasing achievements and quality of schools in Israel. In: Flavian, H. (Ed.). From pedagogy to quality assurance in education: An international perception (pp. 1-15). Emerald Publishing. (Q2)

Paryente, B. & Orr, E. (2007). Intergenerational transmission of hegemonic and emancipated values among religious Zionists. In Ben Asher, S. and Orr, E (eds.). The Strange and the Familiar - Social Representations in Israel. Ben-Gurion University Press [Hebrew]. (Q2)

Paryente, B. & Orr, E. (2007). Identity representations conflict representations and values of religious Zionists. In Ben Asher, S. and Orr, E (eds.). The Strange and the Familiar - Social Representations in Israel. Ben-Gurion University Press [Hebrew]. (Q2)
Other Scientific Publications

Paryente, B. (2009). Comparative intergenerational value transmission among Israeli versus German Religious versus Secular Families. A research report, Mofet Institute, Tel-Aviv.
Participation in Scholarly Conferences
Active Participation
Nursing Meeting 2023
20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Diving into the Resolution Process: Parent’s Reactions to Child’s Diagnosis
Creating a sense of coherence: Kindergarten children’s experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic
The annual WASET Conference
The annual WASET Conference
The annual STAR International Conference.
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Parents’ Reactions to their Child’s Placement in Special Education Kindergartens: A Grounded Theory Study in Israel
Bali, Indonesia
Czech Republic
Kindergarten children’s reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic: Creating a sense of coherence
Parenting under ongoing stressful conditions experienced with their children
Hamburg, Germany
Inclusion of children with special needs, better assessment, increasing achievements and quality of schools in Israel
The Child's and Parental Perspective regarding Experiences of Preschool Children during a Military Operation.
Children's experiences during "Protective Edge Operation" at the ages of 4-6
European Congress of Psychology.
Prague, Czech Republic
Parental transmission of Emancipated vs. Hegemonic values
The international Congress of the Israeli Sociological Association.
The Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Objective and Subjective conflict between identities among religious Zionists in Israel.
International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology
St. Sebastian,
Parental transmission of Emancipated vs. Hegemonic values
International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Transmission of emancipated vs. hegemonic values: the case of religiously observant Jews in Israel
International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Transmission of emancipated vs. hegemonic values: the case of religiously observant Jews in Israel
International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Intergenerational transmission of values and social identity: The case of religiously observant Jews in Israel
Social Representations sixth International Congress
Stirling University of Scotland
Identities in conflict and their core of values in two social settings in Israel
Fourth International Congress for Teachers’ Training
Mofet Institute, Israel
Intergenerational value transmission among Religious Zionists
Professional Conferences
The Educational Psychologists Conference
Zagreb, Croatia
The Educational Psychologists Conference
The reactions of school students to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways found to assist them: findings and practices from Israel
The coping of parents and children with challenging circumstances
The Educational Psychologists Provincial Conference
Maale Hachamisha,
A Unique Approach to Systemic Diagnosis for the School and Kindergarten Psychologist
Key note speaker of the conference
Symposium Chairman and Lecturer
Courses Taught in Recent Years (partial)
Qualitative Research Methods
Parenthood in Various Contexts
Parenthood in Various Contexts
Developmental Psychology in Early Childhood Seminar
Acquaintance with Therapeutic Settings
Supervision of students in their Educational Psychology Practice
Ethical and Moral Aspects among Educators
Introduction to Developmental Psychology
Supervision of students in their teaching practice
Pedagogy of the Early childhood